main street necklace
main street necklace
one of my favourite things to do is to visit a new town, and take a stroll down main street. it's always interesting, no matter where you are. made with a dainty, 16 inch brass chain, and a small, star cut piece of rutilated quartz. so perfect.
*love this? check out our rouge, acua and rosaline necklaces.
for those who believe- found in the swiss alps, the urals in asia, and beautiful brazil, rutilated quartz or "venus hair" is a soul - illuminator, promoting spiritual growth. it draws off negative energy, and soothes dark moods, which in turn helps with fear, anxiety and phobias. a natural anti-depressant, this stunning stone counters self-hatred and promotes forgiveness. last but not least? rutilated quartz helps in impotence and fertility.